Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What's now in the Water?

Almost everyone that drinks backcountry white water that microscopic organisms in the raw water that can make people sick. Unfortunately there is no agreement on how often the problem is, or what people should do about it. It is not unusual to see water to combine articles in outdoor magazines that correct to treat them with false information about the drinking water backcountry. The problem is: outdoor magazine editors have not have the scienceDegrees, and the authors writing articles are usually only partial removal of information on microorganisms in water and its safe.

The information contained in this report information was mainly of web pages created on-line available from the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA). Other sources are available on the internet and credited at the end of the report. I have done my best to be un-biased, based on information I've reador for practice (I also have a degree in forestry from U. of Idaho with a minor in biology) know. My inspiration has been the best ever report on "What's in the Water" by Mark Jenkins in the December 1996 issue of Backpacker. This article made a journalistic high for articles in journals outside on problems with outdoor H2O. In the last 13 years things have changed and a new report on "What's in the Water" is required. This is my lot of research trying to change the MarkJenkins report.

There are three general classifications of waterborne pathogenic microorganisms. From the largest to smallest, they are: protozoa, bacteria and viruses. Very few of these micro-organisms naturally present in outdoor water ----- instead they primarily introduced in H2O in feces of humans and animals.

Protozoa are by far the most common disease-causing microorganisms in back-country water. Protozoa are the largest and easiest to remove micro-organismwith micro filtration, but most difficult to kill with chemicals.

Articles on microorganisms in water usually backcountry warn about two protozoa: Girardia and Cryptosporidium. Both protozoa are spread worldwide and in North America ----- A 1992 study found that 97% of U.S. rivers and lakes contain one or both of them. be carried out except in the intestine of many mammalian species, a significant percent of people carry these protozoa. Testing of human excrement found inarchaeological sites showed both Giardia and Cryptosporidium by Native Americans have been performed over 2000. Giardia was identified for the first time under the microscope in 1681 (from human feces).

The prevalence of Giardia in human stool samples submitted for examination in the range of 2% to 5% in developed countries and from 20% to 30% in developing countries. From 1979 to 1988 were an estimated 4600 hospitalizations per year in the United States of severe giardiasis (theDisease caused by Giardia) and its complications. The CDC reports during 1991-2000 Giardia was identified as the cause of excitation of 16.2% of reported drinking water outbreaks of gastroenteritis by a known or suspected contagious.

Cryptosporidium can be just as common as Giardia. U.S. FDA Bad Bug Book direct human polls: Type in a prevalence of Cryptosporidium in about 2% of the population in North America. In 1991, two studies found Cryptosporidium inbetween 65% to 87% of U.S. surface water samples.

One problem in identifying protozoa it is usually a long incubation period before symptoms are noticeable ----- 5 days to 28, after drinking untreated water ------ They finally notice you are sick.

Although both Giardia and Cryptosporidium are relatively common, symptoms may very heavy ------ in the following table. ¹
Table 2 summarizes. The symptoms of 205 patients with confirmed cases ofCryptosporidiosis during the Milwaukee outbreak
Symptom percent (%)
Watery diarrhea 93%
Abdominal cramps 84%
Weight Loss (median £ 10) 75%

Fever 100.9 F ---- median, range: 98.7 to 104.9 F. 57%
Vomiting 48%

Although Cryptosporidium Giardia symptoms similar symptoms are: It is generally no fever. Some victims Giardia (less than 4%) remain symptomatic more than 2 Weeks. In them it is a chronic intestinal condition that can last for years and be life threatening, due to the strong weight loss. Giardia is usually responsive to treatment with several drugs.

Waterborne protozoan Microfilter MSR can be removed by microfiltration with a Katadyn or.

However, I must note that the recent tests at the University of Arizona led the researchers, the following statement on the use of iodine tablets for the treatment of problem> Water 0.9
"These data suggest that iodine disinfection is not effective in the inactivation of Cryptosporidium oocysts in water. Since this organism is common in all surface waters, it is recommended that another method of treatment used to be before taking."

Chlorine dioxide at a concentration of 4 ppm (parts per million) has been shown to kill Cryptosporidium, but it can be up to 4 hours in cold water too dirty. Micropur is the best knownBrand of chlorine dioxide tablets.

By 2005, Cryptosporidium was suffering, so that the disease, it is of course ----- several weeks of suffering can run. The drug Alinia, which contains the active ingredient, nitazoxanide, is now prescribed for both Cryptosporidium and Giardia infections. Alinia effect a cure in about a week in a high percentage of those infected.

Probably contracted many serious people in the open or Giardia Cryptosporidum during a long-ago adventure --- or in themost common place that people are infected: their Kita, in childhood. You can now resist the protozoa from previous infections, or bear one or both of these protozoa in the gut, without having serious symptoms (estimates are up to 15% of infected persons may be asymptomatic carriers).

If in the distant past, you have consumed untreated water back country or if you have a white water boat background, or if you are someone who says, "Itis not an error that in water, "it is likely winners is one of them "---- ----" asymptomatic protozoa.

The protozoa, which Ameobic dysentery (Entamoeba histololytica) causes is uncommon in North America, and very unlikely to affect the people out here. But in South America, Africa and Southeast Asia: it causes more deaths than any other parasites, other than those that cause malaria. One study showed that up to 12% of the world population could be infected by E.histololytica with 10% of those with clinical symptoms. ² The most dramatic incident in the United States in 1933, the Chicago World's Fair outbreak in contaminated water caused by drinking water. There were 1,000 cases (58 deaths). There have been scattered cases of dysentery Ameobic reported in urban areas in the U.S. since 1988.

Other waterborne protozoa that infect humans are: Cyclospora cayetanensis, Isospora belli and microsporidia were (five genera of this large groupimplicated in human disease). These other protozoa are often not tested or identified, but they can cause severe diarrhea and other symptoms deeper. Cyclospora and microsporidia are distributed worldwide and are carried by many species of animals, while Isospora belli believed to infect only humans and is found worldwide in tropical areas.


Waterborne bacteria that infect humans: are the same that we have warned in meat that is not properly processed andcooked. The type of transmission is the same ---- animal or human feces contamination.

People drinking behind by animals or in some cases, in which wild animals have a bowel movement,: are also in danger of catching this bacteria. Generally only a small number of bacteria are taken to cause disease. Some people out there can-a natural resistance to a particular strain of bacteria also carried out water, while others carry these bacteria intheir intestines and infect others without symptoms (asymptomatic carriers).

All these bacteria can cause severe diarrhea and fever. Other more severe symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain are not uncommon. Without antibiotic treatment, some victims suffer enough fluid loss from diarrhea or death.

Campylobacter jejuni: water seems the most common bacteria in the backcountry. During a study period in the early 1980s: Campylobacter jejuni wasisolated from 25% of people with diarrhea in the area of ​​Grand Teton National Park Wyoming purchased. Campylobacter was found in a stream 7,700 ft. (2,350 m) in Grand Teton National Park.

The study's authors believe the water sample and the number of people drinking surface water in the mountains of the "infected suggests that C. jejuni serotype can survive ---- water in Alpine. In vitro studies have shown that Campylobacter isfor months in surface waters kept viable at 4 ° C (39 ° F). "³ Campylobacter and is often carried by poultry, horses, cows, rodents, it is in most migratory birds, some can, and in deer, elk and bears.

Campylobacter is the most common bacterial causes of diarrheal diseases in the United States. Campylobacter infections are estimated to affect about 1 million people per year and 0.5% of the general population. Most people who become ill with Campylobacter:diarrhea, cramps, abdominal pain and fever within 2 to 5 days after exposure to the organism. The diarrhea may be bloody and may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The illness usually lasts 1 week, but it can be long-term serious problems. Some people who are infected with Campylobacter asymptomatic.

Shigella: the causes bacillary dysentery is like that of wild animal feces are transmitted in some places. Each year about 18,000 cases of shigellosisreported in the United States. Because many milder cases not diagnosed or reported, the actual number of infections may be twenty times larger. Children, especially young children age 2 to 4 years are most likely to be infected.

E. coli present, there are four recognized classes of E. coli enterovirulent (collectively referred to as the EEC group) that cause gastroenteritis in humans. The most common symptoms of infection include watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, low-grade Fever, nausea and malaise. E. coli is a normal inhabitant of the intestines of all animals, including humans. A minority of E. coli strains are capable of causing human disease.

Salmonella is a large group of similar species of bacteria and are distributed worldwide in water, sewage is contaminated by human or animal. Although the CDC states there are more than 40,000 reported infections in the United States ---- most of them are held each year from food contaminated> Water.

Salmonella typhi. Travelers to Asia, Africa and South America can fear typhus (which now antibiotic resistant strains) of untreated water. Typhus is a life-threatening diarrhea caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhi caused. In the United States about 400 cases occur each year, and 75% of them are acquired while traveling internationally. Typhoid fever is still common in the developing world, where the approximately 21.5 million people eachYear. Booster immunization shots or strongly recommended for international travelers.

Cholera: Cholera is caused acute diarrhea cholerae by an infection of the intestine with the bacterium Vibrio. The infection is often mild or without symptoms, but sometimes can be severe. About one in 20 infected persons has severe disease characterized by profuse watery diarrhea, vomiting and leg cramps. In these individuals leads to rapid loss of body fluids and dehydrationShock. Without treatment, death can occur within hours. It is very unusual in North America and Europe, but still many people in South America, Africa and Asia to kill.

Other bacteria: Plesiomonas shigelloides has contaminated water found in outbreaks of diarrhea and fever in the United States. It is relatively rare. Yersinia enterocolitica is due to waterborne disease outbreaks in Alaska and Japan. It is a common bacteria and has caused several out-breaks in food and dairy productsProducts. It produces symptoms such as gastro-intestinal diseases with diarrhea and / or vomiting, but fever and abdominal pain are the hallmark symptoms. Both bacteria from animals such as pigs, birds, beavers, cats, dogs, and was isolated.


Waterborne viruses that infect humans have only one source ------ human feces of infected carrier. These viruses include rotavirus, calicivirus, which now includes the norovirus group with Norwalk virus, Adenovirus, Astrovirus,Hepatitis A & E and enteroviruses (which cause those, polio and meningitis are viral). More than half of infections with these viruses cause only mild or asymptomatic disease --- but they can be a wide range of serious and even life-threatening diseases ---- cause especially in children.

The two most common water-viruses in North America ---- rotovirus and noroviruses are responsible for numerous outbreaks in restaurants each year of what is commonly referred to as"Food poisoning". Outbreaks of both wastewater occurred well or river raw water contaminated from. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has recorded outbreaks of norovirus in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River. The Grand Canyon has been outbreaks of a treatment plant ----- at the foot of Glen Canyon Dam just followed over the Grand Canyon.

Norovirus and calcivirus group: The symptoms of norovirus are usually within 48 hours and include headache, fever,Vomiting and diarrhea. Noroviruses are relatively resistant to environmental challenge of cold or heat. Moreover, noroviruses can survive chlorine ppm in up to 10: well beyond levels routinely in public water systems (1 ppm but are destroyed by chlorine dioxide in 30 minutes.)

Rotavirus: The incubation period for rotavirus disease is approximately 2 days. The disease is characterized by vomiting and watery diarrhea for 3-8 days and fever and abdominal painPain are common. Rotavirus is the most common cause of severe diarrhea in children, resulting in the hospitalization of approximately 55,000 children per year annually in the United States and the death of over 600,000 children worldwide.

Hepatitis A: Although hepatitis A causes occasional outbreaks in food in the U.S., it has not been detected in disease culprits here backcountry water. But can in South America, Africa and Asia, IT and other viruses aslife-threatening in contaminated water. Hepatitis A affects the liver function and a very serious disease, or a permanent low-grade infection. Immunization shots are strongly recommended for international travelers.

Hepatitis E has not been a problem in the U.S. water supply. It is estimated 2% mortality in the general population and up to 30% mortality in pregnant women produce up. Major waterborne epidemics occurred in India (1955 and 1975-1976), USSR (1955-1956),Nepal (1973), Burma (1976-1977), Algeria (1980-1981), Ivory Coast (1983-1984), in the refugee camps in eastern Sudan and Somalia (1985-6) and in Borneo (1987). The first reported outbreaks in the Americas occurred in Mexico in late 1986.

Enteroviruses: The enterovirus family includes at least 62 different viruses infect the people. The most dangerous thing polio (now extinct in America), while others cause of aseptic (viral) meningitis symptoms include fever, severeHeadache, stiff neck, nausea and vomiting. The majority of enteroviruses cause cold-like or flu-like symptoms. The CDC states that "private wells can be found in sources such as waste water. Enteroviruses Become wells contaminated water when feces from infected people to force water through various means, too."

Enteric adenovirus, astroviruses: This often infect young children with viral gastroenteritis. You can water be provided or by infected food. ViralGastroenteritis by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, headache and fever. The infectious dose is unknown, but likely to be low. Symptoms last 2-9 days.

Enteric adenovirus is the most common virus in this group and leads 50-20% of gastroenteritis in children. Adenoviruses most commonly cause respiratory disease, but infected, depending on the type, they can also cause various other diseases such as gastroenteritis,Conjunctivitis, cystitis, and rash illness. A recent study found that adenovirus does not destroy disinfected by UV light.

Other things to take care of the water!

Cyanobacteria, also known as blue-green algae toxins, which produce potentially taint drinking water. People who can drink water --- cancer contains high concentrations of cyanobacteria or cyanobacterial toxins long run experience gastroenteritis, allergic reactions or liver damage or in the.
The CDC is enough of cyanobacteria, a Web page for they have concerns. There were numerous problems with cyanobacteria poisoning worldwide, often with animals or dogs.

Cyanobacteria typically occur in late summer or early fall in warm stagnant or slow flowing waters that are rich in nutrients such as fertilizers or septic system overflows. The flowers may like foam, scum, or mats look, and can be blue, light green, brown or red. Some blooms may not affect the> Water's performance. The water may smell bad.

In an election ---- avoided water with an algae bloom should be suspected. If you must drink it: first try to dick you get the water where algae are not the Sun Second, micro-filter cyanobacteria, and clean your filter frequently to remove toxins from the filter. Thirdly and most importantly, run your water through filtered through activated carbon (part of most but not all systems microfilter)which is most of the toxins. Please note that the activated carbon in the micro-filter is only effective for about 6 months from first use.

Liver fluke: Faciola hepatic-common name - sheep liver fluke. These are a parasitic flatworm (trematode). They often infect cattle in North America, Europe and South America and can infect humans as well, if eaten vegetation in fresh water, such as watercress, eaten with leafy vegetables in irrigatedcontaminated water or (less frequently) of water taken in untreated drinking water. infected in some rural areas of Peru up to 50% of the population. Similar species are infected worldwide is estimated at between 40 and 100 million people. Many who are infected are asymptomatic, but others may have abdominal pain, headache and a number of other symptoms.

Mineral impurities: We all know this kind of water ----- there 's a small sign with a skull andbleached skeletons near the pool. Water ---- exist as in the United States but not common. The dangers to worry about are here: selenium and other dissolved metals, the long-term problems, high concentrations of dissolved carbonates that cause intestinal upset, and salts can.

Evidence of mineral impurities may be some or all of the following: a lack of vegetation around the pool, residues of salts or carbonates on the shore or in the pool, close to evidence of mining,strong mineral smell, unnatural colors like bright green or blue, metallic, or salty taste. Hot spring water should be avoided as it often contains high concentrations of dissolved minerals. No standard portable treatment methods make these liquids safe for long-term use. If you have the choice of a move to improve water ---.

Chemical pollution: The EPA currently lists 50 different organic chemical contamination of the water that they regulate and monitor.These are a potential problem downstream from industrial or agricultural areas. Activated carbon to remove water from many organic chemicals, but not the elimination of most metals, salts or carbonates: These include 16 other inorganic chemicals that the EPA lists as potential hazards.

The nay-sayers: there is an increasing amount of misinformation from sources that the disease will tell you that most backcountry water is not the cause. An article, "Giardia lamblia andGiardiasis by Robert Rockwell makes an eloquent case for Giardia is not spread in the Sierra Nevada. The report is widely available on the web. His main point is that Giardia cysts are mountains and killed by water temperatures below 5 ° C (41 ° F) for a period of 3 months or more ------ Nevada, that is, all Sierra Giardia is killed for every winter.

Although Mr. Rockwell's article dismisses Giardia as a problem in the Sierras ---- he makesfrequent references to other water-borne diseases as a possible problem there and elsewhere. He also discussed Giardia as a problem in other places, including high mountain environments. Unfortunately, many people have heard or seen small parts of Mr. Rockwell's article and then mistakenly come to the conclusion that microorganisms in back-country water is no problem ------ anywhere.

Some people can provide immunity against pathogens, some shipping due to resistance from a previousInfection, or because they are already an asymptomatic carrier of a protozoan, perhaps, bacteria or viruses. This may be a temporary immunity, and also does not mean they are immune to all other microorganisms. Unfortunately, because these people can drink sick backcountry waters, not themselves: they either accept that it is not infectious microorganisms in the water, or they feel unsafe whatever method of treatment they employ micro-organisms from infectious.

Every yearwhile employees in the retail clinics for Katadyn the western United States, I hear from various people who backcountry water sources have been infected with disease-causing organisms. Most of these people have Giardia or Cryptosporidium pulled together, but I have spoken with several of the captured Campylobacter. I see these people as a very small percentage of those who were infected, because for the most part only the men who go to a doctor became very ill and havethe disease is diagnosed. Many men, "tough out" their condition (it appears women are brighter and easier to medical care).

Water Treatment Methods:

What do I do recommend? My employer is very tolerant of my wife and I make long journeys in nature, "to test devices." I enjoy car-camping, backpacking and multi-day whitewater rafting. I always assume all backcountry water is contaminated.

If I go with a group, I offer my expertise (andfree filter) for back-country water treatment. highlights for me a 18 days private Grand Canyon rafting trip, where I pumped perverted most of my group of water from the very dirty Colorado River, just see whether I mean can microfilter Trash "and a 16-day trek in the Everest region in Nepal, where I convinced the owners of the company trekking, treat me to water treatment). (All clients kept healthy digestive system: For the first time ever.

For NorthernAmerica, I recommend a Katadyn or MSR microfilter that group your technical inclination and the size of your. I really think pumping water with one of these products is faster and simpler than other methods. A good micro-filter is a very liberating piece of equipment you do not have outdoor ------ situations lead to a lot of water most ------ or limit the length of your trip.

For areas where there is concern about shipping viruses, I recommend firstMicro-filtration, then treatment for 15 minutes with chlorine dioxide of Micropur tablets or the MSR Miox.

The treatment of backcountry water is much like wearing a seat belt ----- it becomes a habit ----- and you never know when this habit will save you some real grief.

Copyright 2010 Ray Brooks

References / Sources

My thanks goes to: the very valuable information on water-borne diseases on the websites of the Center for Disease Control (CDC)and the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), especially their "Bad Bug Book" on the spot. I also sampled on site information about chemicals in the water by the Environmental Protective Agency (EPA) to find.

Other specific references to the number:

1. MacKenzie WR, Hoxie NJ, Proctor ME, Gradus MS, Blair KA, Peterson DE, et al. A massive outbreak in Milwaukee Cryptosporidium infection transmitted from the public water supply. N Engl J Med 1994; 331:161-7.

2. Waterborne ProtozoanPathogens, Marshall, Naumovitz, Ortega, & Sterling, U. of Arizona. Clinical Microbiology Reviews January 1997.

3. Waterborne transmission of Campylobacter enteritis, Taylor, Brown, & McDermott, Microbial Ecology, (1982) 8:347-354

4. Small rodents and other mammals with mountain meadows as reservoirs of Giardia spp. and Campylobacter spp. Pacha, Clark, Williams, Carter, etc, Applied and Environmental Microbiology v.53 (7) (July 1987)

5. Inactivation of enteric adenovirusand feline calicivirus by chlorine dioxide: Thurston Enriquex, Haas, Jacangelo, Gerba. Applied and Environmental. Microbiology. June 2005, v.71 (6) to 3105th of 3100

6. Inactivation of Feline Calcivirus Adenovirius and type 40 by UV radiation, Thurston-Enriquex, Haas, Jacangelo, Riley, and Gerba. Applied and Environmental. Microbiology, 2003 Jan, v.69, p. 577-582

7. Cyanobacterial toxins: removal during drinking water treatment and human risk assessment. Hitzfild, Hoger, Dietrich;Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol 108, Supplement 1, March 2000.

8. Fascioliasis in relatives of patients with Fasciola hepatica infection in Peru: Marcos, Maco, Terashima, Samalvides, Espinoza, Gotuzzo; Review Int. Med Trop. S. Paulo 47 (4) 219-222, July-August 2005.

9. From: Wilderness and Environmental Medicine: Vol 8, No. 2, p. 96-100.
Efficacy of iodine water purification tablets against Cryptosporidium and Giardia cysts
Charles P. Gerba, PhD;DANA C. Johnson, PhD, Michael N. Hasan, MS

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